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130205 Why did Hyorin apologize to Moon Hee Jun?

Written By Regina Kim on Tuesday, February 5, 2013 | 1:29 AM

SISTAR‘s Hyorin almost got on her knees to apologize to Moon Hee Jun.

Bora and Hyorin featured as guests on’Wide Entertainment News‘ as SISTAR19 to discuss their recent comeback with “Gone Not Around Any Longer“. On the show, the girls played limbo, threw dice, and played various games as they talked about what they’ve been up to.

One of the games they played was jegichagi, a Korean version of hacky sack. Hyorin only got two points on her first try and decided to try again because of her low score. However, the second time around, she accidentally kicked it toward MC Moon Hee Joon, landing the hacky sack squarely between his legs.

Bora and the female MC burst into laughter, and Hyorin flushed in embarrassed as got on her knees to apologize, completely flustered by what had happened.

Tip: souleater
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  1. HAHA what a hilarious accident xD Bora and the female MC's reaction just make it even funnier!! Hyorin is such a cutie :3

    On a sidenote, they look stunning in their hiphop ensemble! Glad that they're wearing it for live perfs and promo shows since it was only featured for a few seconds in the MV itself.


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